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SEO Copywriting Training in English | 3-Day In-House Course 2025

You’ve arrived at this webpage and that means that I’ve done something useful as far as my own content marketing strategy is concerned! You may, for instance, have typed in SEO copywriting or SEO copywriting training into Google and this webpage may have been one of the first to pop up (if you’re searching within the Netherlands, that is).

We all know that the keywords we type into Google and other search engines help attract our audience and encourage them to land on our website. But reaching our audience strategically through SEO keywords is only one element in your overall content marketing strategy. Using keywords to get people onto your website is one thing but getting them to remain on the page and turn into paying customers is another!

Therefore, learning how to write persuasively in the English language is of even greater importance when it comes to marketing. Why? Because writing in a punchy and effective manner means that we can get our audience to do something and possibly even to change their behaviour. Imagine, for instance, if you could persuade your audience to do more, be it to buy your new product or merely become an advocate of your brand.

My in-house SEO copywriting training course helps you and your marketing team master the English language so you can do just that!

During the first two days of the training, we examine the finer grammar points when it comes to improving your use of the English language. Then, we’ll explore various SEO copywriting tips and tricks that have been used to persuade audiences. That means we also delve into the psychology of writing persuasively.

The last day of my SEO copywriting training covers a range of tools you can use when determining your keywords as well as exploring how to integrate these keywords into your texts in a natural yet effective manner.

I specifically tailor-make my SEO copywriting training course to your specific industry/field. This allows you to get the most out of the training and see how it can be applicable to the area or industry in which you work.

Let’s chat today – learn what I can do for your team when it comes to improving their English language and SEO copywriting skills!

Want to read more about SEO copywriting and its importance today – check out Copyblogger’s article: Does SEO Copywriting Still Matter?

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