Book on Sustainability Reporting

I’m excited to share some great news. I’ve been dedicated to a special project over the past few months (many evenings spent hard at work while my kid was asleep!). And now I’m thrilled to announce the upcoming launch of my new book on sustainability reporting!

What’s In My Book on Sustainability Reporting?

This book is a result of my exploration into the world of sustainability reporting, and I’ve taken a practical approach to address a gap I noticed. While there are resources that focus on the academic side of things, I felt there was a need for something more hands-on.

In fact, many existing publications make sustainability reporting seem like a checkbox task, but I wanted to change that perspective — sustainability reporting is so much more than that. It is a highly effective tool to inspire, educate, and uplift. What is more, it is also a fundamental part of marketing and branding, which is often overlooked.

Who’s The Book on Sustainability Reporting For?

In my book, I’ve geared the content towards corporate communication and sustainability managers looking for clear guidance on creating effective sustainability reports for diverse audiences. I emphasise not just ticking boxes when it comes to ESG matters but truly embracing sustainability reporting to shape a brand’s identity and narrative.

What Sets the Book Apart from Others?

What’s different about this book is its practical approach to sustainability reporting coupled with a human-centric focus. Throughout the pages, I explore how to construct a sustainability report that resonates with various stakeholders and on a more personal level. I believe it’s crucial to make sustainability reports informative and relatable (especially if you’re trying to reach a diverse audience!).

Why Did I Write a Book On Sustainability Reporting?

I’ve seen a huge shift in my business where companies, over the last couple of years, have asked me to write more feature pieces and corporate communication texts related to sustainability. In 2023, sustainability reporting and sustainability communication are now fundamental to my business. As a writer who feels passionate about ESG-related matters, this is music to my ears as it means that my words are also out there and (hopefully!) making a difference to our planet, even in some minor way. With the writing of this book, my goal is to inspire those working in the field of sustainability to strongly consider an honest and transparent storytelling approach to their reports, which will hopefully have a ripple effect in that their readers will equally be inspired by the organisation’s efforts when it comes to ESG topics.

How Can I Get Hold of The Book?

Keep an eye out for updates in the coming weeks. The launch of my book is just around the corner. If you want to learn more about creating impactful sustainability reports that go beyond the basics, I invite you to follow me on LinkedIn. The book will be published on Amazon, so you can also feel free to follow my author page for updates there.

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