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What is Technical Copywriting and What are the Benefits of a Technical Copywriting Training?

Many marketing and communication managers often use the skill of copywriting to drive sales. However, a not-so-known form of copywriting is ‘technical copywriting’. This refers to writing specific marketing materials for industries like Tech, medical, manufacturing, agriculture, life sciences etc. And the difference between technical copywriting and ordinary copy is that technical copywriting is specifically geared to a particular niche or industry yet retains its persuasiveness. Such copy is naturally written for a more technical audience and can be found in brochures, flyers, case studies, web copy, product descriptions, etc.

Even for a talented writer, technical copywriting can be challenging. There is a need to be familiar with the terms used in the given industry as well as a general understanding of how the industry operates. Unfortunately, most copywriters do not have the technical know-how (or may only have knowledge of one or two industries specifically) and therefore they need the space and time to develop this skill (and the vocabulary of the field).   

Technical copywriting training can help writers become more conscious of their writing practice, become more aware of broadening their vocabulary, and identify opportunities for persuasion within existing (or new) marketing collaterals.  And if you are trying to reach a more technical audience, then it’s vital to invest in such training to enable writers to better hit the mark.

Below are the main benefits of a technical copywriting training course. A course can help writers:

In sum, technical copywriting requires the proper training and skills — a writer cannot be expected to instantly know it all. A technical copywriting training course can help the marketing and communication team improve their technical copywriting writing skills in English, help them become more aware of the elements of persuasion, as well as get them to think about the terms and vocabulary specific to their industry. If you’d like your team to undergo such training, feel free to contact me to receive a quote.

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